Monday, March 14, 2011

Gone and done it now...

Travel with me if you will in my Tardis "borrowed" from reknowned time traveller "The Doctor" from the classic British TV series "Doctor Who".
We arrive outside a small curio store on Steep Hill in Lincoln, England in 1981.
A group of Art college students walk past and one spies a tiny Z scale train set in the window.
"Would you look at that!" He says in a rather loud voice.
The store owner responding to the shout sets the tiny train set of an 0-6-0 tank loco and three freight wagons running. The student was fascinated...
You guessed it that Art Student was me. I can't remember accurately if it was just a few hours or days later that I was in the store and handing over some of my hard fought for student grant for this Z scale starter set.
At that time Z scale was the smallest commercial model railway in the world. Since recently passed by T scale which I also enjoy modelling in.
I did manage to buy a few other items of Z scale and even put together a small exhibtion layout on a small board which I showed in Lincoln a couple of years later just before I left the college.
Z was very expensive to me back then so I never had much equipment. One diesel, one steam loco a couple of coaches and the wagons. But it was fun stuff to have and I enjoyed watching the tiny trains navigate the small oval. Much in the same way as I enjoy watching my T scale do the same.
Alas when I emigrated to the USA I left the set behind (along with many other things I regretted leaving) I thought I'd left Z behind. Until however I started modelling in T. I started to remember the fun I had in Z. Especially when I was struggling with some scratch building in the scale. Even more so when people would come up to my T scale layout and say.
"This is Z gauge."
Some would be quite incredulous when I told them otherwise. Some refusing to believe me. So I thought to myself perhaps it might be a bit of fun to have a Z scale layout alongside the T.
Just to shut those naysayers up.
I started to dig and I followed this blog intently. I've read every post time and time again, wrestling with making a foray into Z.
So with getting a rather nicely sized bonus from work just in time for my birthday. I took the plunge and ordered a SOO line starter set from Z scale monster. They seem to be regarded very favourably in the Z scale world. So the set and power pack is on the way.

I wonder where this will all lead?

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